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Terms of service

§ 1 General, scope of application
The general terms and conditions regulate the relationship between the provider named in the imprint and the natural and legal persons who use the provider's website (hereinafter referred to as the buyer). The general terms and conditions apply to the use of the website ""

§ 2 Object of purchase
1. By concluding the contract, the buyer acquires audio/image/video recordings that are subject to copyright. The provider is the owner of the full copyright to the originals; a copy of these original files is sold via electronic download with the granting of a simple right of use within the meaning of Section 31 Paragraph 2 of the Copyright Act by displaying them on hardware owned by the user. 
 2. The other rights of use and exploitation within the meaning of the Copyright Act are expressly not the subject of this purchase contract, in particular not the right to reproduction (§ 16 UrhG), distribution (§ 17 UrhG), exhibition (§ 18 UrhG), the possibility of lectures, performances and demonstrations (§ 19 UrhG), making available to the public (§ 19a UrhG), broadcasting rights (§ 20 UrhG) and reproduction by means of image and sound recordings (§ 21 UrhG).

§ 3 Conclusion of contract
1. The offer on the Internet represents a non-binding invitation to the buyer to order goods from the website. By ordering the desired item, the buyer makes a binding offer to purchase.
2. The provider accepts this purchase offer in the form of an order confirmation.

§ 4 Payment, due date, late payment

Payment for the goods is made using several payment methods from the payment providers Paypal and Stripe, as well as in advance.

Advance payment:
The purchase price is due immediately after the buyer receives the confirmation email. The customer undertakes to pay the purchase price immediately.

§ 5 Delivery

1. There is no delivery in the traditional sense. The purchased item can be downloaded from the customer area of ​​ when ordering and can be viewed online in the "My Galleries" area.
2. There are no shipping costs associated with the purchase.

§ 6 Prices
1. The price stated for the purchase item is the final price including applicable VAT (§ 19 Para. 1 UStG). If this is not the case, shipping costs are not included in the price.
2. When the provider's website is updated, all previous prices and other determining information about the purchase item become invalid.
3. The price at the time of the buyer's order is decisive for invoicing.

§ 7 Warranty
1. The provider guarantees that the purchased item is free of defects when sent.
2. If the purchased item is defective when handed over, the buyer has the statutory warranty rights to subsequent fulfillment of his choice by eliminating the defect or delivering a defect-free purchased item. 

§ 8 Limitation of liability
1. Given the current state of technology, data communication via the Internet cannot be guaranteed to be error-free and/or available at all times. The provider is not liable for the constant availability of its offer in the online shop.
2. The provider's website and download areas are regularly checked for viruses, etc. Compensation for damages by the buyer due to a virus attack on his telecommunications equipment due to the data exchange for the processing of the purchase contract is excluded due to the buyer's own responsibility for installing protection programs.
The above exclusions of liability do not apply to intentional or grossly negligent actions on the part of the provider.

§ 9 Datenschutz
Alle zur Durchführung des Auftrags erforderlichen personenbezogenen Daten werden in maschinenlesbarer Form gespeichert und vertraulich behandelt. Sollte im Rahmen der Bearbeitung einer Vertragsabwicklung ein beauftragtes Unternehmen mit der Durchführung, der Lieferung oder dem Zahlungseinzug tätig werden, stimmt der Kunde der Weitergabe der hierzu notwendigen Daten an dieses beauftragte Unternehmen zu.

§ 10 Gerichtsstand
Alle Streitigkeiten aus diesem Rechtsverhältnis unterliegen dem Recht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Die Geltung von UN-Kaufrecht ist ausgeschlossen. Sind die Vertragsparteien Kaufleute, ist das Gericht am Geschäftssitz des Anbieters zuständig, sofern nicht für die Streitigkeit ein ausschließlicher Gerichtsstand begründet ist. Der gleiche Gerichtsstand gilt, wenn der Käufer keinen allgemeinen Gerichtsstand im Inland hat.

§ 11 Salvatorische Klausel
Sollte eine Bestimmung dieser AGB ungültig oder undurchsetzbar sein oder werden, so bleiben die übrigen Bestimmung dieser AGB hiervon unberührt.